Conviértete en Voluntario


Why We Volunteer

The practice of doing work for good causes, without being paid for it or expecting anything in return, has its roots in the history of every region and country on the planet. Wars, Hunger and Poverty are but a few of the troublesome wicked problems in this world. Thankfully, there are many people who rise above their own needs and willingly volunteer to help.

The origin of organized volunteering can be traced back to 12th century Britain, where there were more than 500 hospitals operated by volunteers. But it still cannot be ignored that people were selflessly helping others even before then in all parts of the world. In the past, volunteering was strongly connected to religion and religious institutions, yet terrible events like; epidemics and natural disasters have always brought the best out of people, regardless of their religious convictions or social status, to assist others in an emergency.

In the United States, official organized volunteering started in the 19th century with some of the organizations still active today. The founding of one of the most famous humanitarian organizations in the world – the Red Cross – is known to have happened during the Civil War. Organizations like YMCA have 2,700 YMCAs with approximately 20,000 staff and 500,000 volunteers serving nationwide. Rotary Club, United Way and many other non-profits to this day organize activities, provide educational classes, collect donations, and organize individuals from all walks of life to make the world a better place.

Here, closer to home, in the Inland Empire, we find many organizations volunteering time and resources to aid or assist communities in need. UNIDOS is proud to be one of those organizations. Our efforts to support community ventures, like The Cheech, are rooted in our collective belief that the arts are a pathway to learn about ourselves while sharing a rich culture of music, writings, film and artwork with each other.

We invite you to join us in our projects and share a slice of your valuable time for others. Volunteers are always welcome to lend a helping hand. Whether it is in a Zoom Diálogo presentation; Scholarship Fundraiser; Community Outreach; or UNIDOS Golf Fundraiser. Volunteers are always needed. We are sure you’ll find what we have found through volunteering; “Those who are happiest are those who do for others.”

Volunteer Application

“What is the essence of life?
To serve others and to do good.”

— Aristotle

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