UNIDOS, is a collective of local and community focused organizations and engaged individuals, together serving the diverse spectrum of the Chicano/Latino community in the Inland Empire. UNIDOS’ focus is to provide support to the community within social, and cultural issues affecting and impacting the Chicano/Latino community in the Inland Empire.
Since its inception, UNIDOS envisioned other opportunities to continue the momentum of fundraising beyond The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art & Culture of the Riverside Art Museum (The Cheech) by establishing a non-profit organization. That was realized on May 2, 2022, when UNIDOS for la Causa, Inc., was established as an official non-profit. UNIDOS will continue to support The Cheech, while expanding our focus to other areas of our community.
We are the Cheech!
We hope that anyone who has ever worked toward giving voice and a presence to those who have struggled against invisibility, can identify with “We are The Cheech”. Also, the design invites anyone to take ownership of not just a museum, but a movement of inclusivity and forward-thinking.
Cheech Marin wondered out loud at his April 2018 talk at the Culver Center for the Arts, for whom is the The Cheech being created? To whom does the art belong? Simply put, es de todos y para todos. The art belongs to us all. The Cheech is for the people. What is remarkably beautiful about this concept is that Cheech Marin also understands and embraces this principle.
To advance the economic condition, scholastic attainment, and political influence of Chicano/Latino citizens by elevating each other's personal, educational and professional endeavors - en comunidad.

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